Two years of capturing two webcams pointing to the school's construction site were initially turned into timelapse videos (see below). As it turned out, the topic for the semster project in «Information design» was chosen to be about the campus. Realizing that I had gathered a pretty unique (visual) dataset, I wanted to process those stills into a poster.
Some research led me into Lev Manovich's articles about visualizing large sets of data – especially images. The question how to make them graspable, comparable and analyzeable inspired me, as well the follow-up project Phototrails. The provided scripts were used to apply my collection and tweak it into the final form above.
Therefore, the posters serve as a kind of contemporary document. They archive the construction process of the school campus and provide an overview.
Dreispitz Webcams –
Campus Dreispitz-Basel –
Campus of the Arts / Campus der Künste –
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